“Our God’s Brother” by Karol Wojtyła – Theatrical Performance

On 18 May, the 103rd anniversary of the birth of John Paul II, we cordially invite you to the premiere of Karol Wojtyła’s “Our God’s Brother”, directed by Jarosław Killian and performed by Angelicum students.

“Our God’s Brother” is a play written by Karol Wojtyła in the years 1944-1950. The story depicts the life of the Polish insurgent, painter, and monk, St. Brother Albert (Adam) Chmielowski. During an intensive two-week workshop students will analyze this drama and prepare for its staging under the supervision of Professor Jarosław Kilian.

The performance, which will take place on the third anniversary of the establishment of the St. John Paul II Institute of Culture, will begin at 6.00 p.m. in the Church of St. Dominic and Sixtus at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

Admission is free!

Event details
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