Nicaea 2025: Context, Event, and Reception (with a call for papers)

Conference on the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea
with a call for papers -Deadline 1 September 2024

The Council of Nicaea in AD 325 was a decisive moment in the definition of Christian belief, discipline and practice. The debates that followed the council over the course of the fourth century led to the Nicene creed as it is now used by many Christian traditions, and to the development of classical Trinitarian theology. But with the council and its aftermath we also see new canonical structures gradually emerging – the concept of an ecumenical council, and the concept of a universal creed, for example. Nicaea 2025 welcomes papers on all aspects of this council: background to the Council, the theology of those who shaped its creed, the canons of the Council, the debates that followed.

Nicaea 2025 will be held for two days at the Augustinianum, and then two days at the Angelicum between 2-5 April 2025. Plenary lectures will be held in the mornings, while the afternoons will be occupied with sessions of shorter papers.

For afternoon breakout sessions, we are seeking papers. Paper presentations will be 25 minutes long (c. 3500 words) and may be presented in any modern scholarly language. Joint proposals of 3-5 papers are also very welcome.

Abstracts of 500 words or less must be submitted by 1 September 2024 through this form

Event details
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