Reconciliation Week in Rome

Reconciliation Week in Rome

with Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann AM

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and the Holy See, the Embassy of Australia to the Holy See organized a Lectio Magistralis by Fr. Frank Brennan SJ, on Indigenous rights and reconciliation efforts in Australia. This meeting is held during Reconciliation Week (May 27-June 3). The “Mabo Day” is held every year on June 3, on this day Australian people remember when the Australian Supreme Court decided to overturn the legal concept of terra nullius giving way to the establishment of a regulatory framework in favor of the indigenous population. Fr Frank Brennan SJ will explain the impact this decision has had on the path to reconciliation with the First Nation, and offer his unique perspective as a lawyer and son of Sir Gerard Brennan, former Chief Justice who wrote the Mabo judgment.


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